About Me
I'm a middle-aged, anxiety-ridden, and worn-out single mother of two teenage boys with a tendency to overthink, overanalyze and overreact. I obsess, I worry, I stress the small stuff. I work a fulltime+ job, I try to spend time with my kidlets, I try to keep up with chores (and fail most of the time). And I try to make time for myself.
It is a lot some days.
So with all this, why in the world am I starting a side business?? Why add to my already overly full schedule?
To put it simply: In order to preserve my sanity.
And the extra income is much needed as well!
We all need a creative outlet, and this is mine. I began as a sort of self-taught quilter, with pointers and suggestions from my mother who is a long-time sewer and embroiderer. I love quilting! I love selecting the fabrics to go together, picking out the perfect patterns, seeing it all come together in a beautiful quilt...and then packing them away to never see the light of day again.
But quilting can be a long process when you have a schedule like mine (and a tendency to get lazy and procrastinate). I needed something with not quite "instant gratification", but a craft that had a higher turnaround rate for completed projects. But what that craft was, I had no idea for a very, very long time.
Then bag making entered my life! It jumped out at me one evening completely unexpectedly, without warning, by mere happenstance. And it has been a whole new world since then! (Que Aladdin song in the background) A whole new very satisfying world.
Bag making allows me to finish projects much more quickly, which satisfies the near instant gratification factor; I am able to purchase a wide variety of materials and fabrics in smaller quantities, which satisfies my need to purchase all the pretty things; and it offers a wider variety of products and styles that will appeal to people with various tastes, which satisfies my need for an extra income...hopefully.
I absolutely love bagmaking and am so excited to share it with others! I still have a busy schedule, and I still struggle to find time to produce as many products as I have purchased material and hardware for, but that means I won't run out of ideas anytime soon. I just hope I don't run out of available product!
Now as for the name "kipippiki" and where it came from.....that is another tale for another time!
It is a lot some days.
So with all this, why in the world am I starting a side business?? Why add to my already overly full schedule?
To put it simply: In order to preserve my sanity.
And the extra income is much needed as well!
We all need a creative outlet, and this is mine. I began as a sort of self-taught quilter, with pointers and suggestions from my mother who is a long-time sewer and embroiderer. I love quilting! I love selecting the fabrics to go together, picking out the perfect patterns, seeing it all come together in a beautiful quilt...and then packing them away to never see the light of day again.
But quilting can be a long process when you have a schedule like mine (and a tendency to get lazy and procrastinate). I needed something with not quite "instant gratification", but a craft that had a higher turnaround rate for completed projects. But what that craft was, I had no idea for a very, very long time.
Then bag making entered my life! It jumped out at me one evening completely unexpectedly, without warning, by mere happenstance. And it has been a whole new world since then! (Que Aladdin song in the background) A whole new very satisfying world.
Bag making allows me to finish projects much more quickly, which satisfies the near instant gratification factor; I am able to purchase a wide variety of materials and fabrics in smaller quantities, which satisfies my need to purchase all the pretty things; and it offers a wider variety of products and styles that will appeal to people with various tastes, which satisfies my need for an extra income...hopefully.
I absolutely love bagmaking and am so excited to share it with others! I still have a busy schedule, and I still struggle to find time to produce as many products as I have purchased material and hardware for, but that means I won't run out of ideas anytime soon. I just hope I don't run out of available product!
Now as for the name "kipippiki" and where it came from.....that is another tale for another time!